We’re Moving…

I’ve been contemplating this for a few weeks now.  This has been my first foray into blogging and it’s been a learning experience from the start.  I’ve enjoyed building this site and have seen the traffic begin to grow.  I appreciate you taking time out of your day to spend it with me and my thoughts.

WordPress has been a great help.  Boy do they make it easy to set up a website and go live.  However with ease of entry does come some limitations.  There are areas of control I’d like to have that the free hosting at WordPress.com does not allow.  Because of that it’s time to move to a different hosting arrangement before this blog gets any bigger and more difficult to migrate to an independent host.

For that reason, I’ve chosen now as the time to make the jump.  I hope you’ll come with me.  Minding My Own Business is still in business…so to speak, just with a different address.  Please update your bookmarks and RSS feeds with the new links.  There’s lots of excitement ahead….



Filed under Communication, Economics, Goals, Investing, Personal Finance Tools, Real Estate, Saving for College, Saving for Retirement, Taxes, US Government

2 responses to “We’re Moving…

  1. Pingback: We’re Moving… · Real-Estate.ExplainedOnline.Net

  2. I also found your website perfect for my needs.

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